
Masterful superhero drama unlike any other, featuring outstanding acting, breathtaking art direction, fascinating royal intrigue, memorable action sequences, and surprising depth
“Black panther has a good heart, and it gives us a real hero-strong and honorable and when possible, even filled with grace.”

Erik had to have been one of the greatest characters on Black Panther, his motivation and drive to get his revenge was like no other. He did what he had to do in a world that was too harsh to him to get what he deserved. There is no such thing as heroes and villains. Merely just two sides of a story. Michael B Jordan portrayed a character that made everyone fall in love with the villain.

Black Panther is emblematic of the most productive responses to bigotry: rather than going for hearts and minds of racists, it celebrates what those who choose to prohibit equal representation and rights are ignoring, willfully or not. “

Heroes & Villains.

Villains come and go but the heroes never leave, and Wakanda is the ultimate world of heroes and villains. This is a place of eternal peace, Vibranium and love. The magical world that is showed to us through the eyes of heroes and villains is one that will never die. Even the villains could become heroes because hope is what we choose to believe in, and when you are part of this world you “Never Freeze. “


November 27, 2019 — Leave a comment

One of the main reasons why Black Panther was so captivating was because of the costumes. It blended perfectly with the magical world, they were also very appealing to the eyes and Shuri is definitely a fashion icon without a doubt. Letitia right portrayed her so well by giving the character a little bit of a witty humour.

Would T’Challa really have been the Black Panther without M’Baku the ruler of the Jabari Tribe?

What is better than an action/superhero film with a side of comedy? I think nothing. This was one of the funniest but most ridiculous things I have ever seen. This is the kind of forward thinking that we need on our screens.
One of the best things about this film besides from the story-line, costumes and cast is the fact that it celebrates difference. Women are represented in a way that they don’t have to compete with men to stand out and men don’t have to compete with women to be called masculine. Everybody is simply being their true authentic selves.

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Another one of the reasons why this film was so good was because of the cast, they truly connected and made such a beautiful film come alive.Bookmark the permalinkEdit

Behind the scenes

Not everything is black and white here is a behind the scenes image of Nakia and Okoye in action, this scene turned out so amazing.

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when a film is good it makes you forget reality and takes you to a whole new world, with the exceptional cast and crew of this film: this was done with absolute perfection. Black panther is not just another superhero film, it’ an unforgettable superhero film that will never leave the hearts of its true fans and even the ones that aren’t. It’s absolutely one of the most beautiful and memorable films I have ever seen.
We simply cannot talk about Black Panther without talking about the soundtrack, how can we forget about SZA and Kendrick Lamar’s ‘all the stars’ the video celebrated culture and made us indulge deeper into the wold of Wakanda. Perhaps the songs didn’t sound like they belonged on the same album however it made you want to listen to the songs anyway. You either watched the film and wanted to listen to the songs or you listened to the songs and wanted to watch the film.
This song always makes me feel like i’m in the heart of Wakanda.

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